Friday, February 22, 2008

Stop the HATE SPEECH and HATE CRIMES against English Speakers

CNN refused to publish this i-Report ... proving again that they only want parrots of what THEY report.

Exactly what part of, "go home and learn SPANISH, gringo!" is not an act of Cultural Terrorism and a HATE CRIME against English speaking Americans?

That incident was HATE SPEECH that threatened the very employment welfare of an American Citizen.

That's exactly what happened to my brother just last week, on a job site in a town between Houston and San Antonio.

We don't have the luxury of "sensitivity" here, my friends! Our "sensitivity" is being taken for weakness and lack of resolve to preserve the one common thread that holds our rich DIVERSITY all together. The Common English Language.

If we are too cowardly to defend our national language as our official language, then we must, at a minimum ... as AMERICANS ... defend our nation's OFFICIAL creed, E Pluribus Unum, which means "Out of Many, ONE." Anything less is traitorous to our very core values.

To oppose that creed is to oppose the American Experiment itself and to oppose Martin's Dream of ONE NATION, with liberty and justice for ALL!

I suggest the everyday editors of CNN go rent "The Lives of Others" and ask yourself what role you are REALLY playing.

Only we in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY can right this wrong! The Republicans are far to punitive and protectionist to pull it off ... we must INSIST upon this single "ante" from every culture in the Melting Pot ... or Salad Bowl if you prefer ... a salad with multiple dressings is a disgusting mess! We can have a BEAUTIFULLY DIVERSE and colorful salad, but the dressing is ENGLISH!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Take your racist Cultural Imperialist asses back to your own country!

Yes, YOU, "la raza" ... YOU who now claim to be "THE RACE" or "THE PEOPLE" ... just like the Nazi's claimed to be THE race.

I'm talking to YOU ... Mexicans, Latinos, whatever you want to call your Culture of Imperialism ... I am sick of the HATE SPEECH you direct at every well intentioned and accommodating English Speaking American of ALL HERITAGES ... you have no right to push your language into the mainstream of American culture as a Mandatory Second Language.

Your decades-long aggressive assault on American Unity -- your cynical hatred of our creed, "E Pluribus Unum" -- your persistent acts of HATE SPEECH directed against America's National Language, your bloodthirsty SOCIOLOGICAL and CULTURAL TERRORISM waged against the Unity of the United States of America ... your EVIL DEPLORABLE PLOT ... is hereby exposed and opposed with all the force of EVERY IMMIGRANT CULTURE who ever JOINED TOGETHER to create our UNITED society.

Even the offspring of Nazi German immigrants didn't push their language, as if by some divine right, the way that the YOU Latino Culture NAZI'S have pushed. The Italian immigrants didn't do this ... and even, arguably, perhaps the most Culturally Proud People on the planet -- THE FRENCH -- did not do this! Nor did the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Arabs, Persians, Africans, or any others.

NOT ONE OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP has *ever* sought to DIVIDE OUR PEOPLE with the viciously divisive and disingenuous passion of the Mexican immigrants who continue to attempt to FORCE OUR NATION APART with their FOREIGN TONGUE!

Tonight, on the PLATFORM FOR THE PRESIDENCY ... this was the LAST STRAW.

Just look at the bitter history of Canada, or Europe, or any nation that is divided by language. From the Tower of Babel, NOTHING divides a people like fractured languages. Nothing could be a more direct and dangerous assault on our national unity than the Cultural Terrorism of the Cultural Terrorist LA RAZA attacking our nation.

English MUST become the NATIONAL and the OFFICIAL language of this nation, as soon as possible These aggressively self-absorbed people will not respect or understand anything less.

If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get ... from every United English Speaking Immigrant Citizen who proudly pledges allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

To all my fellow immigrant citizens of the United States, many of whom like us risked life and limb to LEGALLY gain our right here in this fine nattion: it is HIGH TIME for us to now STAND TOGETHER to oppose this terrorist threat from the Latino Culture NAZIS!

The NAZIS must be stopped. NOW!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

All War is Socialism Incarnate

Americans LOVE socialism when it suits their emotional whimsy -- like WAR with really cool tricked out remote bombs -- then curse it when it conflicts with their 4th grade civics book text. We're so easily indoctrinated in our early years. Who manufactured those books that said that socialism is evil? Jesus the Bookmaker? Pastor's Publishing, Inc.? Probably not. A subsidiary of the Wall Street Journal? Much more likely.

A Tangent on Warfare as an Intrinsic Social Good

All war is pure socialism, paid for in whole without any authentic regard to cost containment; in fact, all war is a political act of pure communism, because the leaders are committing the labor of the entire population to the cause, no matter what. War is the only 100% Tax Expenditure Burden, benefiting only the corporations that can extend the reach of the PepsiCo market, and the only one we give the Royal Imperial Executive Branch carte blanche to wage -- COMPLETELY contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11, aka the War Powers Clause.

The Congress shall have Power To:
  • regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
  • establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
  • coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; (OOPS! Federal Reserve is ILLEGAL, TOO!)
  • declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
Yet, will we hold the current CRIMINALS in both the executive and legislative branches responsible for their illegal breeches of duty? Congress, for chicken-shit pass-the-buck policy over to the executive branch and the White House for then preemptively storm trooping on what it very likely knew was false evidence?

No, instead, the lunatic fringe and fully intubated fox-fed-far-right will seek instead to emasculate the inevitable democratic leadership in 2009, out of no motivation other than misguided self-righteous spite. I find that utterly nauseating.

Perhaps the only thing more nauseating is all the MINDLESS DEMOCRAT SHEEP in the Congress that voted to abdicate their own responsibilities and hand that power to a pinhead in the white house -- Hillary was indeed among them. Only 23 Thinking Humans in the Senate voted NAY; while 133 Sentient Representatives were found in the House. This is yet another reason why I've had my eye on Barack Obama for the past several years.

H. Clinton:
So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

B. Obama (c-span archive video):
Afghanistan in fact was NOT a preemptive war, it was a war launched directly against those who were responsible for 9/11. Iraq WAS a preemptive war, based on faulty evidence; and, I say that not in hindsight or Monday morning quarterbacking -- six months before the war was launched I questioned the evidence that would lead to us being there. In terms of timetable, I not somebody who thinks we can say with certainty that year from now or six months from now, we're going to be able to pull down troops.

This clip from Obama is not out of political expediency of the moment or lusting for QUICK CHEAP POLL SUPPORT ... this is 2004's Road to the White House ... a road he wasn't even on. This is about the time when I first saw his ANALYTICAL PRECISION and POLITICAL INTEGRITY taking shape. We may well have a new JFK for our era ... my concern is that he gets elected, only to be murdered by some goddamn bible-slinging KKK Neanderthal within the first two years.


Friday, February 08, 2008

yes, we create life

and new life forms, to suit our scientific purposes.

so what?

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