Monday, October 06, 2008

On Accusations That Obama is a Communist or Terrorist

"Marx, who drew up this programme to the satisfaction of all parties, entirely trusted to the INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT of the working class, which was sure to result from combined action and mutual DISCUSSION," In German edition, "Marx relied SOLELY upon the intellectual development of the working class, as it necessarily has to ensue from united action and discussion."

Of course, evil men of bankrupt moral character have used equally:
  • the Old Testament
  • the New Testament
  • the Constitution
  • the Manifesto
  • the Q'ran
  • the Vedas and Gitas
  • and so many others

... to control people through violence, fear, threat of scarcity, and elevation of greed as a virtue.

I think it's important to remind that the manifesto is often used as a diversion from The Actual Work of economic scholarship; which is also a source of IDEAS; not something to be unilaterally implemented with absurd and dangerous religious fervor.

Since the Manifesto closes with, "The Communists ... openly declare that their ends can be attained ONLY by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions," then no THINKING, EDUCATED, PEACE-LOVING HUMAN can be a Communist as advocated in that closing battle cry.

In this regard, to call any THINKING, EDUCATED, PEACE-SEEKING and PEACE-LOVING HUMAN a Communist is like calling a Rabbi or Bishop a Terrorist because they have a different religious text from our own. It's an insult that pollutes the credibility of the slanderer as much as it impugns the reputation of the slandered.

Peaceful men and women seek rather to render irrelevant those historic justifications for organized control of people by FORCE, FEAR, and GREED; the predominant forces common to both Church and State rule throughout history. This is the history -- the history of COERCION and BRUTE FORCE -- which is to be reversed by Reason and Discussion, not by force.

Nobody with properly firing synapses could ever support such utter ignorance as Stalinist or Leninist mental illness; and to suggest someone of Obama's intellect and introspective nature could be in favor such things is an insult and slander as damaging and deceitful as any McCarthyist Inquisition.

Why not just stand up and shout, "Vote for McCain, because Obama is a Pathological Murderer committed to Violent Communist overthrow of his own political office!"

Knowing and respecting your intellectual honesty, I'm sure you will agree that such a statement is a nauseatingly, and even pathologically absurd; yet, I suspect that you will also surmise that such twisted thinking indeed under girds much of what has circulated among the darker alleys of the interwebz.

To assert that as President of the United States, Obama would lead a Violent Overthrow of his very own office reveals near mental illness grade delusion; and we know that anything less than Violent Overthrow is NOT Communism, as defined in the Manifesto in its closing battle cry, right?

Because if you are not for Violent Overthrow , you can not be a Communist, period.

No responsible contemporary Democrat, Technoprogressive, Social Democrat, or even Socialist believes in such evil violence as MANDATED by the Communist Manifesto.

To suggest that we believe in such things is equivalent to someone suggesting that McCain intends to position troops at every home in order to promote Homeland Security. It is EVIL to call me, Obama, or any educated, peace-loving and peace-seeking American a COMMUNIST. It's EVIL, not to be toyed with in any way.

To make such accusations is equivalent to making direct and sober claims that your pastor is a secret member of the KKK or a closet NAZI. EVIL.

Moreover, we read that, "The practical application of the principles will depend, everywhere and at all times, on the historical conditions for the [present time] and for that reason, no special stress is laid on the revolutionary measures proposed at the end of Section II. That passage would, in many respects, be very differently worded today" (Source).

How many times have we read substantially equivalent clarifying statements regarding various scriptural passages of all kinds? Many times, indeed.

The history of Brute Force Coercion -- Economic, Ideological, and Military -- is the real history to be disdained in favor of a Revolution of Reasoned Discussion by a Universally Well Educated Common Man.

Perhaps most importantly: "These measures will, of course, be different in different countries."


The Constitution of the United States is, as we've discussed so many times, ever my Personal Creed and I have nothing but the deepest Allegiance to My Country, The United States of America; one of the all-too-rare nations on Earth where we can have discussions such as this email without fear of intimidation or imprisonment for merely DISCUSSING ideas such as these for the purpose of forever forging A More Perfect Union.

This is why I so quickly wrote to support your 30 days to KNOW OUR U.S. FOUNDING DOCUMENTS campaign and will happily join you at that point of departure from these matters. The America founding documents are the Strategic Business Plan, the Blueprints for our Union ; you, I, and our fellow Americans are to be the trustees and executors of those hallowed texts and only those hallowed texts -- not interjecting, usurping, or bastardizing with violent and coercion-laden ideological or religious texts, from the Communist to the Catholic.



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