Friday, March 14, 2008

Revolting Role Reversal

He (Spitzer) loses everything, She (Dupre) gets everything. How is that okay when BOTH are absolute pieces of shit?

What the fuck are we coming to when WHORES become CELEBRITIES in exchange for destroying the careers of HYPOCRITES?

To my mind, neither whores nor hypocrites deserve a single moment in the spotlight ... how about HARD WORKING EVERYDAY PEOPLE who toil day in and day out to DO THE RIGHT THING? Where is THEIR big payoff, huh?

"Only in America" used to mean the complete opposite of what it means, today.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Subliminal Thoughts of The Education President

You just gotta' see it to believe it!

Hit pause at the Secret Pass Phrase to see the SUBLIMINAL PRESIDENTIAL BRAINSTORM!


Blazing Fast 3-G Fireball Broadband Comes to Silicon Valley

... or ... NOT.
