Take your racist Cultural Imperialist asses back to your own country!
Yes, YOU, "la raza" ... YOU who now claim to be "THE RACE" or "THE PEOPLE" ... just like the Nazi's claimed to be THE race.
I'm talking to YOU ... Mexicans, Latinos, whatever you want to call your Culture of Imperialism ... I am sick of the HATE SPEECH you direct at every well intentioned and accommodating English Speaking American of ALL HERITAGES ... you have no right to push your language into the mainstream of American culture as a Mandatory Second Language.
Your decades-long aggressive assault on American Unity -- your cynical hatred of our creed, "E Pluribus Unum" -- your persistent acts of HATE SPEECH directed against America's National Language, your bloodthirsty SOCIOLOGICAL and CULTURAL TERRORISM waged against the Unity of the United States of America ... your EVIL DEPLORABLE PLOT ... is hereby exposed and opposed with all the force of EVERY IMMIGRANT CULTURE who ever JOINED TOGETHER to create our UNITED society.
Even the offspring of Nazi German immigrants didn't push their language, as if by some divine right, the way that the YOU Latino Culture NAZI'S have pushed. The Italian immigrants didn't do this ... and even, arguably, perhaps the most Culturally Proud People on the planet -- THE FRENCH -- did not do this! Nor did the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Arabs, Persians, Africans, or any others.
NOT ONE OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP has *ever* sought to DIVIDE OUR PEOPLE with the viciously divisive and disingenuous passion of the Mexican immigrants who continue to attempt to FORCE OUR NATION APART with their FOREIGN TONGUE!
Tonight, on the PLATFORM FOR THE PRESIDENCY ... this was the LAST STRAW.
Just look at the bitter history of Canada, or Europe, or any nation that is divided by language. From the Tower of Babel, NOTHING divides a people like fractured languages. Nothing could be a more direct and dangerous assault on our national unity than the Cultural Terrorism of the Cultural Terrorist LA RAZA attacking our nation.
English MUST become the NATIONAL and the OFFICIAL language of this nation, as soon as possible These aggressively self-absorbed people will not respect or understand anything less.
If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get ... from every United English Speaking Immigrant Citizen who proudly pledges allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
To all my fellow immigrant citizens of the United States, many of whom like us risked life and limb to LEGALLY gain our right here in this fine nattion: it is HIGH TIME for us to now STAND TOGETHER to oppose this terrorist threat from the Latino Culture NAZIS!
The NAZIS must be stopped. NOW!
I'm talking to YOU ... Mexicans, Latinos, whatever you want to call your Culture of Imperialism ... I am sick of the HATE SPEECH you direct at every well intentioned and accommodating English Speaking American of ALL HERITAGES ... you have no right to push your language into the mainstream of American culture as a Mandatory Second Language.
Your decades-long aggressive assault on American Unity -- your cynical hatred of our creed, "E Pluribus Unum" -- your persistent acts of HATE SPEECH directed against America's National Language, your bloodthirsty SOCIOLOGICAL and CULTURAL TERRORISM waged against the Unity of the United States of America ... your EVIL DEPLORABLE PLOT ... is hereby exposed and opposed with all the force of EVERY IMMIGRANT CULTURE who ever JOINED TOGETHER to create our UNITED society.
Even the offspring of Nazi German immigrants didn't push their language, as if by some divine right, the way that the YOU Latino Culture NAZI'S have pushed. The Italian immigrants didn't do this ... and even, arguably, perhaps the most Culturally Proud People on the planet -- THE FRENCH -- did not do this! Nor did the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Arabs, Persians, Africans, or any others.
NOT ONE OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP has *ever* sought to DIVIDE OUR PEOPLE with the viciously divisive and disingenuous passion of the Mexican immigrants who continue to attempt to FORCE OUR NATION APART with their FOREIGN TONGUE!
Tonight, on the PLATFORM FOR THE PRESIDENCY ... this was the LAST STRAW.
Just look at the bitter history of Canada, or Europe, or any nation that is divided by language. From the Tower of Babel, NOTHING divides a people like fractured languages. Nothing could be a more direct and dangerous assault on our national unity than the Cultural Terrorism of the Cultural Terrorist LA RAZA attacking our nation.
English MUST become the NATIONAL and the OFFICIAL language of this nation, as soon as possible These aggressively self-absorbed people will not respect or understand anything less.
If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get ... from every United English Speaking Immigrant Citizen who proudly pledges allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
To all my fellow immigrant citizens of the United States, many of whom like us risked life and limb to LEGALLY gain our right here in this fine nattion: it is HIGH TIME for us to now STAND TOGETHER to oppose this terrorist threat from the Latino Culture NAZIS!
The NAZIS must be stopped. NOW!
Labels: infective.invective
Latinos Don't FORCE their language on any one especially in this country. You cite no evidence that me or my people are trying to do this. Yes my people speak Spanish it's the language we learned first. Most of us learn how to speak English, and we choose to speak Spanish most of the time since it is the best way for us to communicate with each other. Companies are NOT required to offer Spanish support but they do because it makes them money, we start Spanish speaking business because their is a market for Spanish speaking business. That is why we have Univision and all these Spanish speaking language channels. Because in a free market it is better to be open to multi languages than close your self to just one. For you to use Language and make an incoherent message to compare the NAZI's to the Latinos is flase. Your going to tell me we don't have business were they only speak 1 language thats not English. They are all over the place, and they have been around for generations the country is still here nothing has changed, instead of the jews, the Irish, or the Italians or Asians we have latinos. And just like the immigrants before those who came here assimilated speaking both English and the language of their parents. The business because english or bi-lingual businesses. As a result we have, Pizzerias which is italian not american, we chinese food all over the place, we have hamburgers and hot digs which are german. The reason America is the great is because it takes the best of the world and brings it together and makes it part of the fabric. Latinos are only following a great tradition of people who have built this country, just as you follow a great tradition of those to seek to destory it under the disguise of protecting it. Language REALLY thats your beef your can't understand what I say when I'm not even talking to you and your panties get twisted. Truth is the longer latinos are here the MORE we lose our language. It's constantly in favor of english, the children of the parents who came here are consistently NOT speaking spanish. So get off your fucking high horse and stop looking for problems where none exist. This is the USA and we the people consist of people from all over the entire planet. Stop fighting us have a conversation rather than posting a pointless blog that will never reach the front page for it's clear sense of hate because America is defined by you and only you well fuck you buddy look around those of us who survived the initial years of working for crap are now coming up to shape the future of the economic and political landscape for this country. Yah you can give me examples of some people who are unwilling to become fully "american" and I can give you example of more people who ARE American but are no where near what it means to be an American. I'm an American, I'm a Latino born in Colombia raised in the USA, I help this country on a daily basis by giveing students the skills they need to succeed. And it's only a matter of time before I'm as wealthy as Bill Gates, and just as powerful. I will do all legally, and I will bring the entire world together because we're all sick of this separatist bull shit, your American, your French , you Latino blah blah blah. You speak this I speak that fuck that a united human race is the only thing that matters. Whatever fuck it this doesn't matter to you anyway, as long as everyone one is like you. I'm done wit you and your country is done with you, go back to your own country of origin so they can hate you too.
dear friend: to become ONE PEOPLE we must agree upon ONE LANGUAGE. it's the only common thread that holds all the DIVERSITY together.
constantly "losing your language" is how it's SUPPOSED TO WORK ... it happened to us as Chinese immigrants, as Japanese, as Arab, Jew, Persian, French, German, Italian ... ALL OF US.
This was CENSORED by CNN at http://tinyurl.com/ytoey2 Posted a couple attempted versions to their comments section, none of it published. CENSORED.
Attempt 1
"E Pluribus Unum" ... "Out of Many -- ONE!"
The aggressive, cynical incursion of a FOREIGN LANGUAGE onto the Presidential Platform of the United States of America was a direct CULTURAL TERRORIST ATTACK on the united culture of America.
Nothing divides a people like fractured languages. Look at Canada, Europe, or all the various tribes and peoples of the middle east.
Any U.S. immigrant, of any creed, of any nationality who refuses to adopt OUR NATIONAL LANGUAGE as the Day-to-Day norm has no place in our UNITED nation. You isolate and alienate YOURSELVES by your own choices. In all the history of every immigrant group that created the United States, NONE has attacked and terrorized the NATIONAL COMMON LANGUAGE which is the single unifying fabric of our Republic.
My brother recently arrived on a construction site in Texas where he was REPRIMANDED and told to LEARN SPANISH if he wanted to keep his job. This has gone WAY TOO FAR, my fellow Americans.
Why is the national media not supporting and defending our NATIONAL LANGUAGE?
It is time for all of us immigrants, French, German, Italian, Arab, Persian, African, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, All Of US ... to stand up to this MEXICAN CULTURAL TERRORIST THREAT to the UNITED and COMMON CULTURE that we have all contributed to and compromised to make possible.
Make no mistake, they have declared CULTURAL WAR on the Common Peoples and Language of the United States of America. The cynical, divisive, and aggressive Mexican Invasion must be DESTROYED NOW, before it is too late.
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of ducking behind the semantics of a "National Language." It is up to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to preserve our DEMOCRACY by protecting our DIVERSITY -- a diversity that can only be UNITED by a COMMON LANGUAGE.
Without the vital common thread of a common uniting language, our Highly Functional Diversity will rapidly devolve into a disastrously divided cacophony of petty, under-the-counter, off-the-radar, dysfunctional inbred family-like cultural turf wars that will forever end any hopes for the establishment of an enduring harmony for the world's greatest experiment to create a truly ALL INCLUSIVE cosmopolitan community.
In order to get there ... to Achieve The Dream ... ALL OF US must make just that one key concession in the name of achieving the one key ideal of Liberty and Justice for All.
Attempt 2
Exactly what part of, "go home and learn SPANISH, gringo!" is not an act of Cultural Terrorism and a HATE CRIME against English speaking Americans?
That's what happened to my brother just last week, on a job site between Houston and San Antonio.
We don't have the luxury of "sensitivity" here, my friends! Our "sensitivity" is being taken for weakness and lack of resolve to preserve the one common thread that holds our rich DIVERSITY all together. The Common English Language.
If we are too cowardly to defend our national language as our official language, then we must, at a minimum ... as AMERICANS ... defend our nation's OFFICIAL creed, E Pluribus Unum, which means "Out of Many, ONE."
To oppose that creed is to oppose the American Experiment itself and to oppose Martin's Dream of ONE NATION, with liberty and justice for ALL!
So fine ... cut and burn these entries ... edit these few posts into something that sums up the key points as your Almighty Gatekeeper role entitles you ... but also go watch the film, "The Lives of Others" and ask yourself what role you are REALLY playing.
one more for juan: i want to add that it is largely people like YOU from whom we need solidarity!
yes, you WILL become wealthier than bill gates!
yes, you ARE the definition of American!
yes, we need your influence and POWER to convince the NAZIS to stop the assault on our ONE HUMAN VILLAGE!
you, my good friend, are like one of the millions of Good Germans who were NOT NAZIS! not every German was a nazi. not every latino is a CULTURAL NAZI ... but the CULTURAL NAZIS are seizing power and PUSHING THEIR AGENDA.
we NEED YOUR HELP, JUAN ... it is the truth that you are OUR ONLY HOPE!
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