Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gamer Girls *NSFW* at

How can something so wrong seem so right ... or so right, seem so wrong ... or, I don't know; I guess it's just a BOY thing to gawk at the Gamer Girls *NSFW* at Any way you look at it, it's INFECTIVE INVECTIVE.


Monday, December 18, 2006

George Carlin on Religion

Dawkins on Colbert Report

Real Robo Cops

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Forward Command Post" Barbie

Now, your children too can turn any neighborhood into a bullet-ridden hell in the name of christianity, thinly veiled as mere western imperialism. Now at JC Penney.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Not Quite Omnipresent, Dark Matter is 96% of the Universe

0"Everything humans observe in the heavens—galaxies, stars, planets and the rest—makes up only 4 percent of the universe, scientists say. The remaining 96 percent is composed of dark matter and its even more mysterious sibling, dark energy. Scientists recently found direct evidence that dark matter exists by studying a distant galaxy cluster and observing different types of motion in luminous versus dark matter. Still, no one knows what dark matter is made of. Now, a pioneering international project co-led by Stanford physicist Blas Cabrera may finally crack the case and pin down the elusive particles that form dark matter."

At U.C. Berkeley, the CDMSII: Cryogenic Dark Matter Search is "using state-of-the-art cryogenic germanium and silicon detectors, the CDMSII collaboration is searching for weakly-interacting massive particles, or WIMPS, whose discovery could resolve the dark matter problem, revolutionizing particle physics and cosmology."


Friday, December 15, 2006

Religious Consciousness Raising: Richard Dawkins

If you only have time for one of the Dawkins vids on this site, watch this one.

Beyond Belief

Bending over backwards to accommodate religion

How can so many people be so deluded?

Why is there Something rather than Nothing?

"The non-random survival of randomly varying codes."

The statement is made that,"Scientists offer no moral guidance." This gets past Dawkins, but it should not. Social Sciences and Philosophy absolutely DO offer this guidance.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

What the #$*! Quantum Quickie Toon

If you haven't seen the movie DO SO this week. The sequel should be on DVD soon, as well. Click to add to your Netflix Queue:Or, watch on Google Video:

One interesting possibility raised in this film is that if quantum physics REQUIRES an OBSERVER in order to collapse the probability wave into particles of experience, this could be one route toward reasonably postulating the existence of a META OBSERVING ENERGY or META OBSERVER which serves to fix the particles that we experience as our subset reality. While language has generally converged upon the name God for such a potential energy or entity, rampant abuse of the moniker still leaves me hopeful of finding something More Accurate, More Authentic, and certainly Empirical. If (and that's a huge if) science eventually comes around to 'discovering' and proving 'god' -- quantum physics is a pretty likely empirical path to that possibility. In the meantime, these films should be taken with equal measures of reflection, curiosity, and just plain fun.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

James Kim Deserves Darwin Award, Not Diadem

According to this thought-provoking craigslist rant: Re: "Kim Family Fundraiser".... WTF


Craigslist | Rants & Raves

If you're not familiar with the site, it's certainly an entertaining way to waste your life ... both contributing, and consuming. That is not an insult, it's a compliment.

For example:

re: God is ... and religion is
Reply to:
Date: 2006-12-13, 8:06PM PST

An artificial philosophy and ritual and figurehead constructed by those in power to tell the downtrodden masses:

Yes, life on Earth sucks but that is because you must suffer to earn you place in a better life after you are dead!

Oh and BTW, please don't notice that while you are busily "earning" your way to a better life, you are making the lives of those in power much better.

This can be applied to all the origins of all the religions.

The rituals were added to make the religions have importance and structure to the ignorant masses.


This is also why the religions have been used to justify wars and destruction time and again.

This is not to say that everything religious is bad stupid or worthless. Most of it probably is but some of it is good: contemplating and planning your life, seeking education and to better yourself, trying to help one another, those are all good things.

Go ahead, show you ignorance and flame or flag me

* It's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests



Tuesday, December 12, 2006

YouTube on the fritz?

0Hmmm. Looks like there may be some issues at YouTube, so if the embedded videos fail to display, please check back a bit later.

Thanks for stopping by.


Meet the Damned

9/11 Perspectives: A Mosaic of Rare 9/11 Interviews

Far more chilling than Frost: the Northwoods are lovely, dark and deep ...

"The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was an alleged pair of attacks -- the second of which did not occur ... the outcome ... granted the President authority ... and ... legal justification for sending more American troops into the Vietnam War."

Fast forward: What better way to celebrate the Bi-centennial in 1976?
Besides taking a lie detector to verify his story, McNiven has made public a detailed list of about 40 names of those individuals who took part in the mock terrorist plan, including Col. Robert Morrison, Maj. Joe Dipiero, Sgt. Middleton, Sgt. Arroyo and many others. (afp) (audio)
Spin forward again to September 7, 2001:

"Based on the potential massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of terrorism at a Florida port, the necessity to protect life and property from such acts of terrorism, and inhibiting the smuggling of illegal drugs into the State of Florida, the use of the Florida National Guard to support FDLE in accomplishing port security training and inspections is "extraordinary support to law enforcement" as used in Section 250.06(4), Florida Statutes.

Section 6.

This Executive Order shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of its revocation or June 30, 2003.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I (Governor Jeb Bush) have hereunto set my hand and have caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this 7th day of September 2001."


Richard Dawkins on BBC

Huw Edwards interviews Richard Dawkins on BBC News 24. Aired on October 9, 2006. (c) British Broadcasting Corporation.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Dawkins @ Lynchburg

"Sure to provoke his adversaries, Dawkins not only portrays the "psychotic" God of the Old Testament as "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully" (p. 31), but also challenges, quite convincingly, every major argument for God's existence, and shows that the Founding Fathers considered religion to be a threat to democracy. Thomas Jefferson, for instance, claimed "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man" (p. 43). Benjamin Franklin said "Lighthouses are more useful than churches" (p. 43). A 1796 treaty signed by John Adams declares, "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" (p. 40). Adams also said, "this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it" (p. 43). Even conservative icon, Barry Goldwater, threatened to fight fundamentalists "every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans" (p. 39)" (

Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2


God and Science dot Org

0A web site that claims to itemize Evidence for God from Science. Methinketh they explaineth and rationalizeth far too much and showeth far too little. Just because the arguments are circuitous and comprehensive, does not make them true. In fact, it is more often the case that liars do more explaining than the truthful. Moreover, these intricate emotional explications all rest upon the same utterly absurd and fundamentally flaky foundation: the alleged divine infallibility of a book compiled by tyrants in the 17th century. SEVENTEEN folks. Centuries.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

RDF: Richard Dawkins Foundation

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sweet Bedtime Story for Children

But you and I, we've been through that

Will the Wind Ever Remember?

Just in case you thought there was even the slightest debate

The Best War Ever

Shut up. I don't want to know.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Pres. Bush: What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?

Gingrich: Free Speech a Tool of Terrorism

Histrionic Hyperbole or Incisive Insight?

0Knowing many who have personally benefited greatly from psychiatry, I can't help but question the context of this content. Nevertheless, the material makes many reasonably defensible points, particularly with respect to the diagnosis and treatment of children.


God vs. Satan

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Of Monomythic Proportion

Joseph Campbell's - Discovering Meaning and Wisdom through the Hero's Journey. "A MonoMyth, otherwise known as the Hero's Journey is a chart, or map which shows common stages throughout stories. One might begin to understand why we have them by asking the following questions:

How is it that I, a person who was raised in the United States, can watch a movie from Japan and have it strike me in such a way that I truly understand it?

The question may not be too important to you, but the idea here is that the really good stories told puncture their way into our own depths, and are recognized by a side of us that we do not know, but one that truly moves us.

Great stories [like bible, torah, or q'ran myths] can invigorate us like nothing else. It is as if sometimes they tap into huge reservoirs of energy which drive us and excite us beyond all measures. Think of the last time you saw a movie that did this. That is what I mean."


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Letting Go of God

0Julia Sweeney describes the process almost perfectly. I am thrilled to see such lucid and accessible role models emerge, helping to make it safer for people of similar experience to open up about our own paths of discovery.

Inevitably, the intellectually authentic and spiritually curious human can only reach one rational conclusion. Admittedly, I am biased toward my own similar journey, and therefore hold a somewhat deeper respect for atheists who have walked one or more paths of faith along the way to the ultimate burden-lifting, liberating enlightenment. I simply believe this permutation of atheism is better informed by better data.

Atheists who arrogantly and ignorantly fling about mischaracterizations of religion as justification for their positions do atheism as much a disservice as zealots and fundamentalists of any stripe. An accurate understanding of religious doctrines is just as vital to an authentic foundation for our own position as is an accurate understanding of any other perspective that might differ from our own.

Rather than eschew exposure to religious doctrines, we should become better versed in them to the extent that we are interested in helping humans to get over Santa Claus and live happier, more fulfilling, more functional, and adaptable lives. Why would we care? Because it is the moral way to believe and behave; and rational humans don't need a taskmaster deity to compel them to moral behavior.

Scientists often differ over interpretations of the same data set; however, revealing ignorance of the data itself is generally grounds for dismissal from the debate. There are still too many under informed hyper intellectuals occupying the atheist spotlight. Many such voices are philosophically and dialectically unassailable, but from time to time I've noticed some glaring credibility gaps in the shape of doctrinal misunderstanding or misinterpretation. If we are to preserve the world from the ravages of religious strife -- from superstition's tribal rivalries -- we need more everyday people to share their experiences. Perhaps hearing from relatively more familiar and accessible actors and actresses can move us one step closer to that quotidian tipping point.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Once Upon A Time, Republicans Opposed Unwinnable Wars

Brilliant Republican Christian Crucifies Carter on C-SPAN

Truth is only Truth when We Speak It

By definition, our enemies are incapable of speaking the truth. Therefore, if they say truthy things, those truths automatically become lies. Right? Of course.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

On the Trail of Atheism

0A trailfire trail.

Still wandering off the path, out in the dark? Light a Trailfire here.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Borat on Hannity and Colmes