Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Graphing God's Sloppy Math: Total Lunar Eclipse

As nicely illustrated at NASA - Total Lunar Eclipse: August 28, 2007, we can see that contrary to popular folklore, the Earth's shadow does not exactly match the moon's diameter anywhere near to the degree that the moon's shadow happens to align for a solar eclipse. The Earth's shadow is quite a bit bigger than the moon, and the moon could take many partial paths through the "umbra."

In religious folklore, I've heard many people cite such "unlikely dual precision" as proof of intelligent design. So what happens when that precision is shown to not be present at all? Don't worry, if all else fails, the dimensions of the bible, koran, torah, or whatever, are always precisely of the right dimensions to effectively block the believer from such chance analytical glimpses of That Which Actually Is.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

More Atheist Heroes of the Republican Right

George S. Schuyler: Black Conservative, Intellectual, and Iconoclast by Troy Kickler:
[T]he assistant professor of Africana studies at the University of Albany in his recently published University of Tennessee Press publication, George S. Schuyler: Portrait of a Black Conservative (2007), thankfully calls for scholars to study the "complexity and diversity of American and African American intellectual history." Very few, I fear, will answer the call.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Loss of democratic media is loss of democracy itself