Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Unimpeachable Party of Conservative Values

Uh, huh. The dope-head Rush Limbaugh, the womanizing Bill O'Reilly, and now add the homosexual child-stalker Mark Foley, (AIM name: Maf54) to the list. That pretty much evens the "party of sex scandals" score; so now that we have a Democratic President getting BJ's and a Republican Congressman GIVING them, maybe we can settle down to comaparisons that matter.

For instance:
  • Which party ran an economy into the Largest Financial Surpluses in history?
  • Which party plunged the nation into the Most Massive Debt in history?
  • Which party launched the first preemptive war in the history of our nation, under false pretenses?
  • Which party persistently presses for a National Healthcare program?
  • Which party aggressively cuts taxes, while simultaneously spending with complete abandon?
  • Which party insists upon a balanced budget and a balanced tax program to support a sustainable budget?
  • Which party is led by oversexed, undisciplined, horn-dogs? Okay, so we have to call it even on that one.

ABC News: READER DISCRETION STRONGLY ADVISED: Foley's Exchange With Underage Page



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